Tallulah Cartalucca is an artist, writer, educator, arts administrator, and tree lover from Chicago, IL. She received her Bachelor of Fine Arts in Fibers and Material Studies and Visual Critical Studies from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2023. Tallulah currently works as a teacher and the assistant to the director of youth programs at Lillstreet Art Center and is a 2023-2025 Terrain Exhibitions board member. The neighborly spirit of Chicago inspires her to foster connections and strengthen bonds between artists and their communities. She curated Overstreet Art+Music (2022), and has recent work shown with Roman Susan, Terrain Biennial, Abracadabra Press, CSI Project Space, Propagate Cooperative, No Nation Art Lab, SITE Galleries, SAIC Galleries, Lillstreet Art Center, and 21Minus at the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago.


